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Blog Events

May 26, 2022

(Ten wpis na blogu jest dostępny wyłącznie w języku angielskim.)

Meet the COINQVEST Team at Money20/20 in Amsterdam from June 7th to 9th

Meet us at the leading fintech event Money20/20 in Amsterdam at Booth F10 in Hall 7 to learn more about how COINQVEST enables companies to thrive in the Web3 economy and helps them grow their business with cryptocurrency payment processing.

Meet the COINQVEST Team at Money20/20 in Amsterdam from June 7th to 9th

Money20/20 in Amsterdam is one of the leading European fintech events and a popular meeting point for financial service providers, fintech startups, banks, and payment companies. We are excited to participate this year with our own booth to introduce how COINQVEST enables companies to thrive in the Web3 economy and helps them grow their business with cryptocurrency payment processing.

The COINQVEST team is looking forward to connecting and engaging with you at our Booth F10 in Hall 7, so just pop by or schedule a meeting. We'd love to learn about your business needs, payment use cases, and explore how we can help you get paid with cryptocurrencies.

Schedule a Meeting Now or Contact Us for general inquiries.

This is a great opportunity for payment service providers, digital commerce merchants, fintech startups, and payment professionals to get a detailed impression of the COINQVEST platform and understand how COINQVEST acts as a bridge between blockchain and banks.

We'll happily run you through a demo and you'll see directly how businesses can embrace DeFi payment solutions through various levels of integration, from all-inclusive hosted checkouts to customizable white-label API.

Stefan Schneider
Stefan Schneider Co-Founder
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Space Cat
Kosmiczny Kot! Miau. 🐱🚀